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Stetson Family, The
- From Melbourne, Australia.
- Formed in 2008 by Nadine Budge (guitar/vocals), John Bartholomeusz (guitar), Andrew Carswell (mandolin), Colin Swain (banjo), Luke Richardson (bass). They are not a family nor are any of them named Stetson. Before they became a bluegrass/acoustic band, they played synth rock.
- 2008, released first album Hey Sister Mary Where’d You Get That Gun
(no label).
- 2011, released “The Devil in His Sunday Best” album (no label).
- 2012, were nominated for Best Song and Best Group at the Victorian & National Country Music Awards (Australia).
- 2012, Nadine Gudge was invited to IBMA Songwriter Showcase in Nashville for her song “O Winding River.”
- 2015, released True North
album (no label).
- 2024, released The Stars, If You Look Closely album (no label).