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Brown, Dewey & Leslie


  • From Burlington, North Carolina.
  • A husband and wife duo. They were married in 2007.
  • Dewey Brown was the fiddle player for Ralph Stanley’s Clinch Mountain Boys for 11 years (2005-2016). He previously worked with Honi Deaton and the Country Gentlemen.
  • Leslie VanDyke Brown is a native of Virginia and began performing at age 7. She plays bass with the band and is a professional clog dancer, songwriter and booking agent. She has also worked as a registered nurse.
  • Together they own a performing arts theater, The Liberty Showcase Theater in Liberty, North Carolina. They also promote two bluegrass festivals each year, DeweyFest and GospelFest, held on their 52 acre farm in Burlington.
  • 2018, released an album with their band the Carolina Gentlemen “Our Mountain Legacy” (Liberty Showcase). Band members include Tim Spence (guitar), Brandon Henson (banjo) and Kendall Gales (mandolin). on mandolin.