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Strings, Billy
- From Iona, Michigan. Also lived in Traverse City, Michigan. Moved to Nashville.
- Real name: William Apostol.
- While in middle school, he played in a metal band called To Once Darkened Skies. He dropped out of high school twice and after finally graduating, he rediscovered his love for bluegrass and began performing with mandolinist Don Julin, also from Michigan. Julin has worked with a variety of bands including a reggae group called the Microtones. He is also the author of the instruction book Mandolin For Dummies
- 2014, Strings and Julin released first album called Fiddle Tune X
(no label) which was recorded live at various venues around Michigan. They used one microphone in each location to get an old-time sound.
- 2016, won the IBMA Momentum Award for Instrumentalist of the Year.
- 2017, released first solo project “Turmoil & Tinfoil” (no label) produced by Greensky Bluegrass’ Glenn Brow.
- 2019, won IBMA Awards for New Artist of the Year and Guitar Player of the Year.
- 2019, released Home album (Rounder).
- 2021, won the Grammy Award for his album Home (Rounder).
- 2024, released Live, Vol 1 album (Reprise).
- 2024, released Highway Prayers album (Reprise).