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Sizemore, Herschel


  • From Leighton, Alabama (near Muscle Shoals). Lives in Roanoke, Virginia.
  • 1957-1965, played mandolin with the Alabama-based group, The Dixie Gentlemen (with Jake Landers and Rual Yarbrough). Recorded for United Artists.
  • Other bands: The Boys from Shiloh (‘66), Jimmy Martin (‘67-68), The Shenandoah Cut-ups (‘69-74), Country Grass (‘74-’76), Del McCoury’s Dixie Pals (‘78-’79), The Bluegrass Cardinals (‘91-’95).
  • 1995, formed the Herschel Sizemore Band.
  • Is best known for his classic mandolin instrumental “Rebecca,” named after his mother.
  • 2012, “Mandolin in B,” a documentary film about his life and music was released.
  • 2022, he died at the age of 87.