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Robins, Kim
- From Bloomington, Indiana. Lives in Nashville, TN.
- Began singing at an early age but postponed her music career for 40 years. Worked as a medical sales rep while raising her family.
- She married banjo player Butch Robins who encouraged her to re-start her music career. They are no longer married.
- She is a nurse when she is not performing music.
- 2013, released 40 Years Late
album (no label) and began performing and touring with her own band called Forty Years Late.
- 2015, discontinued her band.
- 2017, released Raining in Baltimore album (Pinecastle).
- 2022, released Leave the Porch Light On album (Pinecastle).
- 2022, started her own record label Ram Cat Records.
- 2024, formed a new band called Tempest Rain.