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Middle Spunk Creek Boys


  • From Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota.
  • There actually is a Middle Spunk Creek near Minneapolis, after which the band was named.
  • Formed in 1968 by Alan Jesperson, the only remaining member of the original band.
  • Performed on Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion” radio show.
  • Peter Ostroushko is a former member of this group.
  • 1976, released first album “Middle Spunk Creek Boys” (no label)
  • 1997, released “I’m With the Band” album (Okey Dokey).
  • 1999, released No One Else album (Okey Dokey).
  • 2000, released Table For One album (Okey Dokey).
  • 2002, released House of Gold album (Okey Dokey).
  • 2007, they were inducted into the Minnesota Rock and Country Music Hall of Fame.