BLUEGRASSBIOS.COM is now accepting advertising on a limited basis. is an internet resource for bluegrass broadcasters, writers, artists and other bluegrass music professionals all over the world. This website contains more than 1500 biographies of bluegrass music artists, a bluegrass music calendar with birthdates of bluegrass artists and other dates that may be relevant to bluegrass broadcasters. There are programming suggestions for holidays, themes and other occasions, links to albums and products by bluegrass artists and more. All content on the website is created and updated regularly by Wayne Rice, a veteran bluegrass broadcaster from San Diego, California (KSON-FM).

Ad rates: (2 Month minimum order).
- BANNER AD AT TOP OF THE PAGE-LARGE (768 x 100 pixels): $50.00 per month.
- BANNER AD AT TOP OF THE PAGE-MEDIUM (768 x 50 pixels): $35.00 per month
- BANNER AD AT BOTTOM OF PAGE-LARGE (768 x 100 pixels): $35.00 per month
- BANNER AD AT BOTTOM OF PAGE-MEDIUM (768 x 50 pixels): $25.00 per month
- SIDEBAR AD AT TOP/CENTER OF PAGE-LARGE (300 X 200 pixels): $30.00 per month
- SIDEBAR AD AT TOP/CENTER OF PAGE-MEDIUM (300 x 100 pixels): $20.00 per month
- SIDEBAR AD AT BOTTOM OF PAGE-LARGE (300 x 200 pixels): $20.00 per month
- SIDEBAR AD AT BOTTOM OF PAGE-MEDIUM (300 x 100 pixels): $15.00 per month
Monthly rates begin from the day the ad is first posted. If the ad does not receive a minimum of 2500 impressions (views) in the one-month period, the month will be extended at no charge until that minimum number of impressions is reached.
Ad orders and artwork (images) can be emailed to [email protected]. JPEGS at 72 dpi are ideal. Ads are subject to approval and may be rejected if not appropriate to the website. Ads can be changed during the month at any time. We can design ads subject to your approval for a small fee. Payments can be made using Paypal or you may send checks by mail.