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Brock, Jesse
- From Bowling Green, Kentucky.
- Began singing and playing mandolin at age 9 in his family’s band.
- First band: Stonewall Bluegrass.
- 1992, joined the Lynn Morris Band.
- 1996, joined Chris Jones and the Night Drivers.
- 1998, re-joined the Lynn Morris Band.
- 2001, recorded first solo album Kickin’ Grass
(Pinecastle Records).
- 2003, joined Dale Ann Bradley and Coon Creek.
- 2006, joined Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper.
- 2011, left Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper to form his own band and perform with his family band “The Brock Family Reunion Band.”
- 2012, worked with Audie Blaylock and Redline.
- 2013, joined the Gibson Brothers.
- 2015, won his second IBMA award for Mandolin Player of the Year (also won in 2009).
- 2016, a book was published titled The Mandolin Style of Jesse Brock, co-authored by guitarist Nick DeSebastian.
- 2018, left the Gibson Brothers and formed his own band called Mainline Express with John Miller (guitar), Gary Filgate (banjo) and Rob Ravlin (bass). Also worked with Jeff Scroggins.
- 2019, joined Fast Track.
- 2021, formed his own band called Streamliner.
- 2021, formed a new band called Authentic Unlimited (with members of Doyle Lawson’s old band Quicksilver).